What hiring managers think of job hopping

How long should you stay in a job you don’t like? According to a LinkedIn survey, short tenures have grown 9.7% year-on-year since August 2021. Today’s tight labour market means workers are more confident quitting early, knowing they’ll easily land better jobs elsewhere.

The Great Resignation has made short stints more prevalent. But how much job hopping is too much?

What is the meaning of job hopping?

Understanding the concept and meaning of job hopping is crucial in today's dynamic work environment. But what is job hopping exactly and what is considered job hopping? 

It's a pattern of behavior where an individual moves from one position to another in quick succession, often within a year or two. Those who engage in this practice are often referred to as job hoppers. 

The definition of job hopping can vary depending on industry norms and individual circumstances. While some view hopping from job to job negatively, others see it as a strategy for rapid career advancement and skill diversification.

Why is job hopping on the rise?

Gen Z - people born in 1997 or later - started entering the workforce amid the pandemic, and they’re the most restless generation to date.

This generation has high expectations, demanding their employers match their need for personal growth while wanting a sense of purpose through an alignment of values.

Millennials (25 to 40 years old), who now make up a large portion of the workforce, are on the same track. While Gen Z workers spend an average of 2.3 years in a job, millennials spend 2.9 years.

In comparison, Gen X and Baby Boomers spend 5-8 years in the same position before switching.

Values-driven workers across in-demand industries - such as tech, finance and professional services - are more likely to switch jobs. Skilled workers in these industries are hard to find, and employers are willing to offer top compensation and attractive benefits to secure the best talent.

As Gen X and millennials take over the workforce, will long career stints be a thing of the past?

What hiring managers think of job hopping

Is job hopping a bad thing? While job hopping may offer some benefits, such as gaining new skills or increased compensation, it can also negatively impact an employee's reputation and hinder their career growth.

Job hoppers lack in-depth knowledge

Changing jobs too frequently means potentially losing out on in-depth knowledge - the type of knowledge only gained from seeing a project or budget cycle through to the end.

Too much job hopping can be a red flag for hiring managers, who worry these workers lack essential skills.

Job hoppers are not dedicated

For a prospective employer, job stability is essential. Hiring managers seek individuals who are dedicated to their role and are committed to contributing to the company's long-term success.

A pattern of job hopping on a resume can raise concerns about a candidate's dedication and professional stability.

However, job hopping can show ambition if the candidate can show impressive results or achievements during their short placement and give a good reason for leaving the previous role.

Job hoppers stunt company culture

Building relationships and growing your network within a company takes time. It’s also an emotional investment for team members.

Job hoppers have limited time to get to know their coworkers and don’t ‘give back’ to the company culture as much. This can decrease morale and, ultimately, decrease productivity.

Some hiring managers see the positive side to job hopping

While frequent changes may raise eyebrows, is job hopping good for career growth? Despite all the worries, managers are more accepting than ever before and can see the positive aspects and benefits of job hopping:

Improved skills and experience

Job hopping can be a great way to develop new skills and gain valuable experience. By switching to different companies, job hoppers have the opportunity to work with a variety of people in different environments, exposing them to new technologies and methods.

This can broaden their skills and make them more versatile in their careers.

More satisfied workers

By switching to different companies, job hoppers can learn about new industries, companies and job roles. This experience can help them find a better fit for their skills and interests, leading to greater career satisfaction.

If a candidate can eloquently explain their journey, identify the lessons they learned and give a compelling reason why they applied for the position, it can build a hiring manager’s confidence in the candidate's potential fit.

Better adaptability

Starting somewhere new isn’t easy. The first few months of a new role are often the most demanding, as new employees must work hard to learn new skills, network with their peers and adapt to different ways of working.

Hopping from job to job can be viewed positively by hiring managers who need someone who isn’t afraid to take risks and will hit the ground running - desirable qualities in today’s uncertain climate.

Is there a ‘sweet spot’?

Although hiring managers are more open to short tenures, there is a limit. Amy Zimmerman, the chief people officer of Relay Payments, believes anything less than a year is unacceptable ‘How much job-hopping is too much? 1. The sweet spot is every 2-3 years, with a minimum of at least 18 months.

On the other hand, staying too long in a job without a promotion can harm your future employability.

“Three to five years in a job without a promotion is the optimal tenure to establish a track record of success without suffering the negative effects of job stagnation” 2.

Should you risk becoming a job hopper?

The general consensus says you should stay in a position for 2-3 years, but it’s worth considering the different cultural and geographical factors at play.

In Finland, it's OK to change jobs after a year, while in Germany, frequent job changes are less acceptable. In the Bay Area, several one-year stints are more common. 

Switching jobs after a year is fine if you're advancing your career. However, both staying in the same role too long or changing jobs too often can hurt your CV.

Job hopping can offer many positive benefits, including improved skills and experience, better career opportunities, and personal satisfaction. 

Does job hopping increase salary?

Strategic job hopping to increase salary can lead to significant pay bumps, often outpacing raises received by staying with one employer. 

However, while job hopping can increase salary in the short term, it's crucial to weigh this against potential long-term career risks.

A short-term gain isn’t always worth the long-term risk. While a job change can be a tool for self-discovery and growth, continued job hopping isn’t sustainable in the long run.

Read more: The art of negotiating a job offer.


  1. How much job-hopping is too much? Here’s what hiring managers say’, CNBC, Mar 30 2022.

  2. Can Staying With a Company Too Long Hurt Your Career?’, December 4, 2022


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